Pack 675 Frequently Asked Questions


When can my child join Pack 675?

Anytime. Our pack recruits primarily in the Fall, but we run a year long program.  Children must meet the age requirements for Cub Scouts, typically from Kindergarten to 5th grade. Children 11 and older may join a Scouts BSA Troop. 

How does my family join Pack 675?

Fill out a Scout application, pay the annual dues and let us know where you would like to help. Forms can be obtained from any pack leaders, attend our signup night, or send an email to

Is the application form available online?

Youth applications may be completed online. Please contact us first and we can send you a link to fill one out.

Do I have to join in order to participate in a few activities?

Yes, since the dues cover the insurance.

What happens on signup night?

Parents fill out paperwork, ask questions, meet the pack leaders and sign up for dens. We usually have some activities for the Cubs, as well as some short presentations about the activities we do throughout the year.

Can I transfer to/from another pack?

Yes – you will need to either fill out the Scout application form and indicate on the form that you are transferring, or make a transfer in your account. Contact a leader for help.

Does my child have to attend Cheatham Hill Elementary to join Pack 675?

No. This is the school we primarily recruit from, but we have Cubs from several local schools as members. 

Uniform / Patches

Where can I get a uniform?

Uniforms and patches are available at the Scout Shop, located across the street from Truist Park, the Atlanta Braves stadium. If you need assistance getting a uniform, please contact your Den Leader.

What color uniform should I get?

Lions (Kindergarten) wear a Lions T-shirt as their uniform. Grades 1-4 should purchase a blue shirt. Grade 5 should purchase the khaki shirt (they will transition into Scouts BSA in this uniform). With exception of the Lion Shirt, the uniform should last three to four years, so consider purchasing several sizes too big

What parts of the uniform are required?

At a minimum, scouts in 1st through 5th grade should have a shirt, neckerchief, slide, and belt. The scout shop can assist with the patches. You will need to know that you’re in the Atlanta Area Council and your Den Number.  A Pack 675 Patch is provided for these uniforms.

Lions (Kindergarten) should purchase the Lions t-shirt, and a Lions belt for their adventure loop awards. The ball cap is optional. 

Where do I put the patches?

The scout handbook provides diagrams and instructions for attaching patches. You can also refer to the Uniforms section on the left side of the Pack 675 Web Page.

Do I have to sew patches on?

No, adhesive material is available from the Scout Shop, or they will sew them on for a fee.

Dues & Registration

What are the dues?

For the 2024-25 year, National dues are $85, and Pack dues are $84 (and an optional $15 for a 12-month Scout Life magazine subscription).

What do the dues cover?

National dues cover insurance and an optional subscription to Scout Life magazine. Pack 675 dues cover a neckerchief and handbook at Crossover/Graduation, Adventure Loops/Pins, Patches, Event Awards, Pinewood Derby Car, Raingutter Regatta Boat, Participation Ribbons, Crafts, activities throughout the year. 

Who do I make checks to?

Checks should be made payable to Cub Scout Pack 675.

What other expenses are there?

Various activities may require additional payment such as camp-outs, field trips, den meetings, etc. 

When do I receive Scout Life?

Scout Life magazine should start arriving within two months when your application is submitted. Please notify the Committee Chair if you have not received a Scout Life magazine.


How do I find out about meetings?

Meeting information is posted on the pack website Calendar (coming soon!) on the Internet Advancement Calendar, and on GroupMe (contact the Cubmaster or Committee Chair to be added to our private group). Den Leaders will also communicate with parents about other upcoming meetings. We primarily communicate via email and GroupMe; please let your Den Leader know if you are not receiving email.

When are meetings?

Pack meetings are the third Monday of the month. Gathering starts at 6 pm, with meetings starting at 6:15 pm

Den meetings are scheduled by your Den Leader and vary on days and time.

Where are the meetings?

Pack meetings are held at Cheatham Hill Community Club, 3702 Barrett Parkway, Marietta GA 30064

Den meetings will be scheduled by your Den Leader and vary in location.

What’s the difference between a den & pack meeting?

Den meetings are for smaller groups of scouts the same age (grade levels). At these meetings, Scouts work toward their rank badges or perform other activities. 

At Pack meetings, all Scouts attend and Scouts are recognized for their achievements, and participate in large group activities.

Can I drop off my child at meetings?

The scouts’ age, leader, and activity determine this. The Lions and Tigers are a parent-scout team and one adult is required for each scout. Since scout recognition is a key element of the Pack Meeting, we encourage as many family members as possible to attend.

What if my scout cannot make some of the den meetings?

Attendance at all meetings is not required. However, please make sure that you find out what activities were covered at the meeting so you can catch-up.

What if my scout cannot make any of the den meetings?

Most likely you are not alone. Den meeting schedules are extremely difficult to arrange for everyone’s schedule. Please consider starting a separate den. You will need to identify a meeting location and weekly meeting time.

How do I start a new den?

Easy, just contact the Cubmaster and they'll get you started. We require at least one registered leader for each den, a schedule and meeting place.


Can I go back an earn badges from previous years?

Rank badges can only be earned the grade the scout is eligible: (Kindergarten - Lion, 1st – Tiger, 2nd – Wolf, 3rd – Bear, 4th & 5th – Webelos, 5th – Arrow of Light).

What does my scout have to do to earn a rank badge?

Each scout should have a handbook. In the front is a quick checklist for rank advancement. As the scout completes each activity, sign on the appropriate page and check off the requirement on that page, or use Scoutbook to track their progress. 

My scout didn’t complete all the requirements.  Can they still get a badge?

No. Please work with your scout to ensure that he progresses toward the badge. Additional time to complete the requirements can be allowed on a case-by-case basis. 

My scout didn’t complete all the requirements last year. Can they work on the next badge?

YES! The Cub Scout program is based upon your child's grade level, not progression through a series of ranks. If your 1st Grader doesn't complete their Tiger badge, they will still move into a Wolf Den with their friends at the end of the school year and begin working on adventures towards their Wolf rank. 

Does my scout have to do everything?

Scouts can participate at any level. It can be as little as an occasional pack camp out. We hope that everyone can enjoy some part of scouting. Our motto is "Do Your Best," and that is all we expect from each scout.


What is the Fundraising?

Pack 675 participates in an annual fundraising activity by selling Popcorn in the fall, and Camp Cards in the Spring.

Where does the money go?

The commission from each specific fundraiser varies. 100% of the commission your Scout earns will go into an Allocated Scout Account held by Pack 675, and may only be used for items such as: National & Pack dues, Uniforms, goods in the Scout Shop, Scout Camps, Disctict & Council activities... 


Do we have to go camping?

Camping is a part of Scouting, and each rank has an adventure that focuses on activities in the outdoors. The Pack camps outdoors at least twice a year, usually once in the fall and once in the spring or summer at Atlanta Area Council Family Camping Weekend events. If you're new to camping, the Pack is here to help and we'll make sure you're comfortable and help you find the equipment you'll need. Most of our camping trips are at locations where you'll be able to drive in, unload your car, and then park before setting up, so feel free to bring the deluxe tent and full sized air mattress. 

Can I bring my other children?

Cub Scouts is a family program. Older or younger siblings are welcome on most trips and activities. Please check with your Den Leader on specifics related to outings. 

What other outings does the Pack do?

In addition to camping trips, we do community service projects, flag placement on Memorial Day, the annual Pinewood Derby race, Blue and Gold Banquet, hiking, fishing, turkey shoots (BBs, Archery, Slingshots at an organized district event), flag retirement ceremonies, and exploring local historical sites and museums. 


How do I become a leader?

Easy! Just ask the Cubmaster or Committee Chair.

Is training available?

Yes. There is a Fast-Start training for each position. There is also Youth-Protection Training. Both of these are available online. There are also many classes available to explain more details about scouting and camping. Most training is free, although some events have a small cost.  

What are the Leader Requirements?

Registered Leaders must fill out an adult leader application and wait for approval once background checks have been completed. All Registered Leaders MUST complete the YPT (Youth Protection Training) and position-specific training.

What positions are available?

Our first preference is to have a Den Leader for each den. There are also Cubmaster, Asst. Cubmaster, Pack Committee Chair, and Pack Committee positions, as well as volunteer needs throughout the year. 

What volunteer roles are available?

If you are unable to be a leader, we still need your help. We always need volunteers to help plan and coordinate activities, prepare meals on camp outs, coordinate fundraising events, assist in collecting paperwork, decorate at Blue and Gold, etc. Start by asking your Den Leader how you can help them with their meetings.